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/ PC-SIG: World of Games / PC-SIG World of Games (CDRM1080710) (1993).iso / 3419

Jump To: Image (21)  |  Font (2)  |  Text (15)  |  Other (9)

Images (21)

Fonts (2)
NamePreview NamePreview

LinkWay Font

1991-03-17 (14KB)
No Preview Available  PROP.FMF

LinkWay Font

1991-04-21 (3KB)
No Preview Available

Text (15)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
INSTRUCT.DOC Text File 98 3KB 1992-01-16
INVOICE.DOC Text File 28 1KB 1992-02-06
M1.MUS Text File 6 43b 1989-10-22
M13.MUS Text File 4 63b 1989-10-22
M2.MUS Text File 7 152b 1989-10-17
M3.MUS Text File 8 119b 1989-10-17
M4.MUS Text File 3 42b 1989-10-22
M5.MUS Text File 18 85b 1989-10-17
PRINT.BAT DOS Batch File 2 23b 1992-01-15
QMR Text File 2 11b 1991-12-19
README.1ST Text File 25 721b 1992-01-16
SCE.DAT Text File 1 2KB 1991-12-19
SCE.INX Text File 1 21b 1991-12-19
SE.DAT Text File 1 22KB 1991-12-19
SE.INX Text File 1 97b 1991-12-19

Other Files (9)
EGAPIQ.BIN MS-DOS COM Executable 2KB 1987-08-12
FELIX.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 850b 1992-01-15
FF.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 349b 1991-12-28
FORM.BIN MS-DOS COM Executable 2KB 1987-09-24
GETPUT.BIN MS-DOS COM Executable 691b 1987-12-31
MUS.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 2KB 1989-10-17
QM.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 42KB 1991-05-13
QM21.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 803b 1991-12-28
QM21.PGM Unknown 30KB 1991-06-08